For excellent results, we do not work with translation agencies and don´t rely on AI - in both cases, the results are not convincing. Our approach is called Transcreation. In contrast to literal translations, we adapt language and, where necessary, also the content so that it just sounds natural. We also offer editing services for literal translations.
Do you want to focus on specific countries or regions? Or do you want to roll out a global campaign? Our team of international copywriters and PR-consultants have the necessary branch background and a firm grasp of the related technical language, too. In the UK and US alone, we have seven great colleagues working with us, because English-language magazines make up a large part of our work. Our work features regularly in the leading pan-European and national industry magazines in the DACH region, the Nordics, Eastern and South Europe, as well as in those covering the Middle East, Africa, Australia, Asia and India, and of course the USA, Canada and South America. In countries such as France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Russia, Poland and Ukraine we have team members or partners to tailor content and campaigns.
Transcreation instead of Translation
Lead Agency and Agency Networks
Do you already work with PR, comms or marketing agencies? We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with others in your network in case you need only additional support for certain regions or services. We also can act as your global lead agency and help you manage your agency network.